Inlays and Onlays Glynneath

Everyday, more of our patients are asking for options on improving the appearance of their teeth. Having a smile that you love can make a huge difference and here, at Glynneath dental care, we provide many options to give you the smile that you want.

There are now many ways to do this ranging from simply changing any metal fillings/crowns you have to tooth-coloured ones to having veneers or composite bonding treatments to make teeth appear

Inlays and onlays are teeth restorations that are used to strengthen teeth that have been partially damaged, where ultimately a traditional filling may no longer be an ideal option.

A dental inlay is a porcelain or composite pre-moulded filling fitted into the grooves of your tooth. It is mostly used as restoration for cavities that are centred in your tooth instead of along the outer edges or “cusps”. These cavities have usually not progressed into more extensive tooth decay. The procedure involves removing the decayed structure of the tooth, or old filling and taking an impression of the cavity to provide a custom-fit inlay or onlay. While an inlay is used for a cavity in the groove of your tooth, an onlay covers the higher points around the edges of your tooth.

Inlays and onlays have also been used to replace traditional silver amalgam fillings. An added benefit of these restorations is that little preparation is required to the natural tooth – meaning more of the enamel is preserved than with some other treatments!

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