Dentures Glynneath

Make your visit as pleasant as possible

Our dental team takes pride in the quality of their treatment and service to their patients and we seek to make your visit as pleasant as possible. We welcome all family members and we try to maintain the highest standard of dental health for everyone.

Dentures Glynneath

Dentures are removable false teeth most commonly made from either complete acrylic or acrylic with a metal framework. They fit comfortably over the gums to replace the missing teeth and eliminate potential problems caused by gaps, such as problems with eating.

Missing teeth can also cause your face to sag.

Denture Options

They are a removable option making them easy to clean and maintain or can be permanently fixed for implants for greater stability and fit.

Your dentist will discuss with you the best possible denture option:

  • Partial Dentures
  • Full Dentures
  • Valplast
  • Chrome Dentures

Still Have a Question?

Please contact us for more information