Air Flow Glynneath

Everyday, more of our patients are asking for options on improving the appearance of their teeth. Having a smile that you love can make a huge difference and here, at Glynneath dental care, we provide many options to give you the smile that you want.

There are now many ways to do this ranging from simply changing any metal fillings/crowns you have to tooth-coloured ones to having veneers or composite bonding treatments to make teeth appear

Airflow Cleaning and Stain Removal

What is Air-Flow?

Air-Flow is a professional stain removal system that tackles stubborn stains, which are difficult to remove with normal teeth whitening methods.

How does it work?

Using a special Erythritol powder, air, and a gentle jet stream of water; Air-Flow gently and painlessly removes surface stains caused by tobacco, food and drink. You will immediately see and feel the difference.


Does it Hurt?
No. The Airflow unit directs a fine spray of water and powder onto the surface of the teeth. The unit even pre-warms the water to reduce sensitivity. Even people who generally find dental cleaning very sensitive or require numbing prior to cleaning find that they can have their teeth cleaned comfortably using this method.
Can Airflow be used to treat gum disease?
This is one of the major benefits of Airflow. The cleaning action removes the sticky sheet of bacteria, known as “biofilm”, that sits around teeth and gums. This biofilm develops when dental plaque is colonised by bacteria and is the main cause of gum disease.

Breaking down this biofilm has been shown to be a crucial aspect in treating gum disease and keeping gums and teeth healthy. Where there are deep pockets around the teeth as a result of gum disease, the special Perioflow nozzle is able to flex and adapt to clean even awkward spaces under the gum line.

I have dental implants. Can I still have Airflow treatment?
Yes! The powder used with Airflow is so gentle that, unlike regular scalers, it is safe to use with dental implants with no risk of scratching or scuffing. It is a great way of keeping implants, and the gums supporting them, clean and healthy

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