Root Canal Treatment Glynneath

Make your visit as pleasant as possible

Our dental team takes pride in the quality of their treatment and service to their patients and we seek to make your visit as pleasant as possible. We welcome all family members and we try to maintain the highest standard of dental health for everyone.

Root Canal Treatment Glynneath

Sometimes a tooth can get very deep decay in it which gets into the nerve or trauma occurs which causes the nerve to die. Once the nerve dies, this dead material can get infected and cause an abscess.

In order to remove this dead material, a root canal treatment can be carried out which means the tooth can be saved rather than being removed.

Get infected and cause an abscess

At Dental Lounge we strongly believe in maintaining a healthy environment and therefore do not use amalgam/mercury fillings.

Sometimes a tooth can get very deep decay in it which gets into the nerve or trauma occurs which causes the nerve to die. Once the nerve dies, this dead material can get infected and cause an abscess.

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